Possible Courses
The Staff Development Committee is gathering information as to the level of interest that exists for the following two possible courses. If you would be interested in attending a course of this type, could you please indicate this via email specifying which course/s you would consider useful. As always any further suggestions or comments anyone might have are more than welcome.
The committee's email address is libsdc @ tcd.ie
The Reference Interview
A four-week, web based, instructor led course Run by the RUSA (Reference and User Services Association, affilitated with the American Library Association)
10th Sept - 17th Oct
Team Work Skills
Run by ANLTC To be held towards the end of the year, in Cork
Please remember to inform the librarian's office, for the purposes of flexi-time, if you are going to be attending any training courses or events. A detailed procedure for course application will be available online soon.