National Disability Authority Conference - Safe Evacuation for All
23rd September 2009
The National Disability Authority and the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) (Fire Risk Management Section) are hosting a one-day conference on “Safe Evacuation for All” at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood, Santry on 23rd September, 2009. This event will provide practical advice on planning for the safe evacuation of all building users, including people with disabilities. There will be a number of interesting case studies showing how Irish organisations are dealing with evacuation planning. The conference fee (including lunch) will be €50 per person, with a concession rate of €40 for people with disabilities, staff of disability representative organisations and IOSH members.
The event will be of interest to:
Health and Safety advisers
Fire Officers
Training consultants in areas such as fire safety health and safety
Human Resources managers
Disability service providers
Disability representative organisations
People with disabilities and their families.
Further details and booking forms will be published over the summer