Umbrella 2009
14 - 15th July
The 9 separate streams listed below form the basis of the conference programme with a total of 56 sessions on offer.
1) Libraries as Spaces
Buildings focus, social/community spaces, joint use libraries inc virtual libraries & workplace info services
2) Our skills
Practical skills for users, & personalisation e.g. MyLibrary
3) The shock of the new - practice
Emerging trends, technologies, web 2.0/3.0 and beyond,
new ways of working in partnership and alone in practice
4) The shock of the new - theory
Emerging trends, technologies, web 2.0/3.0 and beyond,
new ways of working in partnership and alone in theory
5) Professional values
Evidence, Diversity, Ethics & the Research Base
6) Our professional future
Education, qualifications, professional bodies – what are they for in the 21st Century
7) Only Collect
Management of print & electronic collections materials, preservation conservation, exploitation, digitisation etc
8) The value of libraries: advocacy & funding
Leadership & Campaigning, influencing - success stories,
pitfalls and toolkits etc
9) Information skills for life
Information literacy & the legal framework users need + National Year of Reading review
Further information here