EAHIL Workshop Dublin 2009 - Call for papers and posters
The European Association for Health Information and Libraries International Programme Committee invites you to submit papers and posters for the Workshop entitled “Working with others: explore, engage, extend” to be held in Dublin, Ireland , 2nd to 5th June 2009.
Research papers, reports of innovative practice and cases are invited which discuss these and related topics:
• Collaborations and partnerships with specific groups and communities
In education, learning and curriculum support
In clinical and allied health practice
In research
In healthcare, patient education and outreach
In special interest groups or networks
• Cooperation in services & resource sharing
Issues in liaison, partnerships and outreach programmes Coordination in information and knowledge management Regional, national, international co-operation
• Collaboration and communication in virtual and emerging spaces
Facilitating online collaboration and interaction E-science and distributed collaboration networks Tools, techniques, technologies including Web 2.0
• Information gathering, analysis, evidence and response
Assessing needs and evidence
Healthcare informatics
Customization and localization of information services
Full details are avialable from the workshop website and abstracts may be submitted no later than 17th of October.